Headquarters: 535 Pine Street, Central Falls, RI 02863
Call us: 401-274-0111

If you’ve never had home windows replaced, you might not know where to start and might find the whole process a bit overwhelming! To alleviate as much stress as possible and ensure you’re happy with your new windows for years to come, check out these 10 standard steps to a window replacement process.

Window Replacement in 10 Easy Steps-01

Here are some additional tips!

1. Home inspection and research

Home inspection is a critical first step to window replacement! Older homes and dormers might accommodate only certain window types and sizes, and your new windows should complement your home’s unique architectural details.

2. Consultation

Once a window installer has assisted in narrowing down your new window choices, you then meet with him or her to review installation times, final costs, and other vital details.

3. The agreement

Reputable window installation companies always offer their customers a written agreement! This ensures all details are in writing and allows you to reconsider your options, right up until you sign on the dotted line.

4. Expert measurements

It’s vital that a window installer take precise, expert measurements for your new windows, and especially new custom windows, as even the slightest miscalculation often results in unsightly gaps or windows that simply don’t fit.

5. Ordering

Once your window installer has measured your home and you’ve decided on a new window style, he or she places the order for your new windows. Your installer should also inform you of when to expect your new windows and also make an appointment for their installation.

6. Manufacturing and assembly

Once your new windows arrive from the manufacturer, they might require additional assembly! Many window manufacturers deliver windows in separate pieces, to ensure they stay intact during shipping. An expert window installer then assembles the pieces as needed, so your new windows are ready for installation!

7. Installation

Once your new windows are assembled, your old windows are removed and your home is prepped as needed. Your window installer will also typically remove those old windows and any additional hardware and wood scraps, so you don’t need to worry about post-installation cleanup!

8. Inspection

Your beautiful new windows are installed, but the process is not over yet! Every reputable window installer then performs a full inspection, ensuring your new windows are sealed properly, open and close completely, and are sparkling clean as well.

9. Review the warranties

Once windows are installed, it’s vital that homeowners understand all their warranty details. Your installer will typically review these details with you, ensuring you’re familiar with various window features and parts and have no questions about what’s covered in your new agreement.

10. Follow-up!

High-quality home windows should last for years before needing repairs or replacement, but a reputable window installer will typically still follow up with all clients and customers some time after installation, perhaps even more than once! Your installer will often even ask for an in-home appointment so he or she can inspect those windows once again, to ensure everything is functional and that you’re completely happy with your new window installation.


Your entire home’s exterior gets tested a little bit extra during the winter. The freezing temperatures, ice, and heavy snow possess a few more issues than a nice summer day. With a little more pressure comes additional issues that rise around the house. Here are some frequent problems that we see when it comes to windows.

Window Condensation: After a cold winter night, your windows will naturally be cold themselves. This becomes a problem during the winter because the warm sun during the day often creates condensation on the windows due to the temperature discrepancy. If you continue to have this issue, it may be time to contact a specialist.

Leaks/Drafts: When windows are installed properly (we stress the “properly” part) the entire window framed is sealed up so no air gets through. With poorly installed windows or over time this can break down with the rest of the window. During the summer you may not notice but be sure that your windows are not leaking during the winter.

Ice:  Ice on your windows can just be from humidity but it can also be because your windows are working the right way. Air drafts can actually lead to ice buildup.

The winter is the time of the year that your windows get truly tested!

If you are having problems, reach out to the specialists at United Better Homes. Throughout Rhode Island & Massachusetts we have been installing and repairing windows for years.

Natural sunlight is a lovely addition to your home. However, are there actual health benefits to allowing natural light in? You’d better believe it.

In this blog post, we will discuss some of the benefits of allowing cheery sunshine into your house. We will also tell you how replacement windows can facilitate this change.

Decrease Fossil Fuel Use

A great way to decrease the burning of fossil fuels is to allow the natural light in. Unlike coal and oil, natural light is a sustainable resource. The sun will keep producing light for millions of years to come, and as long as it does, there will be a sustainable way to illuminate your house. This reduces the likelihood that you will have to burn fossil fuels to keep your home properly lit and heated. Modern, energy-efficient replacement windows can allow a lot of that natural light inside, and keep your home much warmer in winter while keeping things cooler in summer.

Healthy Light

Sunlight is a natural disinfectant, deadly to the bacteria and other organisms that commonly grow in houses. However, its health benefits do not end there.

Regular exposure to sunlight can increase our levels of Vitamins B and D, necessary compounds for metabolizing food. Further, sunlight can improve our complexions, stimulate our appetite, and improve circulation. It has also been proved that natural light can alter a person’s mood. Getting enough sunlight during the day reduces depression and insomnia as well as making people feel much better overall.

Growing Plants

Many people like to grow plants in their homes. Natural light makes this much easier.

Plants do not do as well under fluorescent or artificial lights as they do in good old sunlight.

Put your potted plants in a window, and watch the improvements. Your plants will grow healthier and stronger.

Better Quality of Light

Natural light grants a much more stunning sense of illumination, allowing you to see much better. This means you can read with less difficulty and you may even be able to avoid preventable accidents.

Decreases in Utility Bills

With all the tools necessary to increase the natural light in your home, you will notice a change. The amount of money you pay on utilities will shrink. The reason for this is quite simple.

The more energy-efficient your home is, the less energy you’ll need to use. The less energy you use, the less money you’ll spend.

Today’s replacement windows and doors are much better than any in the past. They are air-tight, meaning that the air inside your home stays the proper temperature without the outside weather finding its way in.

As a matter of fact, the only thing that will find its way in is the beautiful natural light you crave.

As you can see, there are many benefits to allowing natural light into your home. Install some replacement windows, and prepare to reap those benefits for yourself today. Our team has years of experience providing window replacements and window repairs, give us a call at 401.274.0111 for more information.

With winter slowly winding down we have spring and summer weather surely right around the corner. That means warmer temperatures and for most people a more proactive approach to cleaning inside and out. This is the time of the year when you should start opening your windows and doors in order to get some good airflow through the house. If you have troubles simply opening windows then that is a whole another conversation where replacement windows may be necessary. You should have no problem easily opening your windows nowadays so don’t settle for less. As well, if you can’t even open your windows there is a good chance they are unsightly and may be letting drafts into the house when they are closed.

Whether your current windows work great or you do get new windows, here are some of the main benefits for letting fresh air flow through your house:

Fresh Air:  This is extremely obvious but it does need to be stated. There is nothing like breathing in nice fresh spring air. Your house has been closed up since the previous fall so swing open your doors and windows for some fresh air in the house.

Sunlight: If your windows and doors are closed it’s more difficult to enjoy the sunlight. Sunshine has a wide range of health benefits such as increasing vitamin D production and reducing the symptoms of depression.

Cut down on your A/C: So many people rush to locking up there house and cranking their A/C bills. You may need your A/C during the hot days of summer but during spring, try turning it off and saving some money on your energy bills.

Letting out Humidity: Kitchens, bathrooms and us humans produce humidity. By opening your windows and doors during the spring time it will make it feel so much better inside.

Feel Better/Enjoy your view: From clearing out the stuffiness in your home and the dry, A/C air to truly being able to enjoy the surrounding of your home you will overall feel much better. It kind of gives you a sense of the world outside of your house even when you’re inside!

So, once it really starts to feel more like spring take a chance and open up your house to mother nature and some beautiful fresh air. You’ll feel much better and so will your family.

For further information on any of our replacement window or repair window services please feel free to reach out. United Better Homes can be contacted over the phone at 401-274-0111 or through our online contact form.

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